Terms & Conditions


Integrated Portfolio Solutions Pty Ltd, who is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Integrated Execution Services (‘Integrated, ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’) ACN 083 142 438 and holder of Australian Financial Services License No. 405897 operates the Integrated website at the domain Integratedportfoliosolutions.com.au (the website or our website) in connection with the products and services we, our related entities and our suppliers offer. Details of our products are available on our website and any applicable disclosure documents can be downloaded or provided in hard copy upon request. The use of the website is governed by our Privacy Policy and these Integrated Website Terms and Conditions including any incorporated terms regarding third party providers (the Integrated Website Terms), in each case as updated from time to time. By accessing, reviewing or using our website, each user (you, your) is agreeing to be bound by the Integrated Website Terms and our Privacy Policy. Integrated may vary the Privacy Policy or the Integrated Website Terms from time to time with or without notice to you, and any subsequent access to or review or use of the website by you will constitute your agreement to the variation. We recommend you review these documents regularly and check for changes. Should you access or use the website in a way we consider to be inappropriate or in breach of the Integrated Website Terms we may withdraw or suspend your access to some or all of the website.

The information on the website has been prepared for persons aged 18 years or over who are accessing the site within Australia and does not take into account any foreign laws. The laws in force in the State of NSW in Australia from time to time will govern your use of the website and will apply to the Integrated Website Terms and Conditions and any related dispute.

Whilst due care is taken when maintaining the website and preparing and maintaining its contents, we do not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, about the website or any of its content including regarding availability, accuracy, completeness, quality, currency or fitness for purpose, except to the extent of any warranty implied by law which cannot lawfully be excluded. You use the website at your sole risk. While we use best endeavours to provide access to the website on a “24 /7” basis, access may be interrupted or suspended with or without notice to facilitate the carrying out of scheduled or unscheduled maintenance, for other reasons related to our business, or for reasons beyond our reasonable control.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, we and our related parties, together with our respective directors, officers and employees, exclude all liability for any loss or damage that may arise out of or in connection with any person’s use or misuse of or inability to use the website or the information made available through the website, including due to interruption or suspension of access. In these Integrated Website Terms, “loss or damage” includes direct, indirect, consequential, special, punitive or other losses, damages, liabilities, claims or expenses (including legal expenses on a solicitor/client basis) you or others may suffer howsoever arising (including under statute or contract, in equity or under a claim in negligence or another tort) and regardless of whether or not such loss or damage was reasonably foreseeable and whether or not we were advised in advance of the possibility of such loss or damage, and includes (without limitation) damages for loss of profits, loss of opportunity, business interruption, loss or corruption of data or information, damage to a computer system or mobile device or the transmission or installation of any virus, malware or other harmful software. To the extent that our liability in relation to a service we provide (including supplying the website) cannot lawfully be excluded, our liability will be limited to a liability to supply the relevant service again or, if we so elect, to pay the cost of having the service supplied again.

No information provided on the website should be regarded as personal financial advice or relied upon. We are not licensed to provide personal financial product advice. The information we provide is factual information or financial product advice of a general nature only, and does not take into account your financial circumstances, needs or objectives. The information and other material available via the website is not, and must not be regarded as, an endorsement of or recommendation to use any particular service or to buy, sell or hold an investment in any particular product, whether provided by Integrated or any other person. The fact that a particular investment or other financial product is available for investment via an Integrated account is not, and must not be regarded as, a recommendation or endorsement by Integrated in relation to that product. We recommend that before making any investment decision, you consider the appropriateness to you of any content of our website having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs, and obtain and carefully consider the disclosure documentation for the financial product, and seek professional advice.

Integrated has measures in place to ensure a high level of privacy, security and protection of your personal information when you access our website. However, no measures can guarantee complete protection and to the extent permitted by law we will not be responsible for any loss or damage that results from our measures failing or being breached.

Except as otherwise indicated, all information and other material comprising or provided on the website has been created or developed by and at all times remains the property of Integrated. No part of the website or the information we make available through the website may be altered, reproduced, distributed, or used for any purpose other than your personal use, without our prior written consent.

If we issue you with a username and password to access your account/s (login details), by using those login details you will be taken to agree that you will not send or disclose your login details to any other person, nor write them down or otherwise record them anywhere, and that you will not share your login privileges with anyone. You agree you will be solely responsible for any loss or damage caused by any disclosure, use (including misuse) of your login details or by recording or storing them, whether or not you authorised that storage, disclosure or use. You should use an appropriately secure password and change your password regularly. Should you become aware or suspect that your login details may have been used or become known by someone else, please change your password immediately and contact us on Freecall 1300 764 829.

Third Party Product & Service Suppliers

We engage, partner and contract with third parties to provide content, products, services and functionality on or in connection with the website. Third party content and services are not always independently monitored, reviewed or verified by Integrated and are accessed and used by you at your sole risk. When you view or use content or services delivered by a third party or click on a hyperlink to a website operated by a third party, you should be aware that when accessing their product or service you may be required to agree (or may be deemed to have agreed) to terms and conditions of use imposed by the third party provider. These will apply in addition to any terms imposed by us in relation to your use of those third party services. Before you access, use or subscribe to use any service or product delivered by a third party, you should carefully identify, read and understand all applicable terms and conditions of use, and regularly check them for updates as it is possible they may be varied without notice to you. Further information about particular third party providers, including terms that will apply in respect of your use of their services, is set out below.

Content Integrated receives from a third party is provided to you ‘as is’ and may contain opinions of the third party. When we make third party content available, this must not be regarded as Integrated endorsing or verifying that content. Third party content does not take into account any particular person’s individual objectives, financial situation or needs.

While we take care when selecting and contracting with our third party providers, to the full extent permitted by law Integrated expressly disclaims responsibility for any information, service or product provided to you (or omitted to be provided) by a third party via our website. Integrated and its related parties will not be liable for any loss or damage (as defined above) resulting from any person’s use of or reliance on a third party’s information, service or product.

Integrated has contracted with the Finclear Group of Companies to perform Clearing, Settlement and Execution services for domestic Equities. Finclear FSG’s can be found here: FinClear Important Information.If you hold or apply to acquire domestic securities through FinClear you will be agreeing to be bound by the FinClear terms and conditions.

Integrated has contracted with PhillipCapital Limited to provide order execution, settlement and incidental custody services for share trading. PhillipCapitals’ Terms & Conditions can be found here: PhillipCapital Important Information. If you utilise the PhillipCapital service you will be agreeing to be bound by the PhillipCapital terms and conditions and associated terms.

Other important third party Terms & Conditions for suppliers of products & services that are available when utilising Integrated’s services are linked below.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and you should ensure that you seek out, read and understand the relevant disclosure, Terms & Conditions or Financial Services Guide for any underlying product or service that you or your adviser may choose to utilise.